Confidentiality Agreement

I/we agree all matters connected with the businesses/properties represented by Sydney Childcare Sales and in particular, the information memorandum and financial statements provided by the Vendors, are confidential and that I/we will not disclose any information obtained during our investigations to any other parties or third person unless the prior written consent or waiver of the Vendors is first had and obtained.
All staff of Pabro Pty Ltd trading as Sydney Childcare Sales expressly disclaim any liability on any grounds whatsoever for any direct or consequential loss or damage (whether foreseeable or not) which may result from any party acting on, or relying upon all, or any part of any information provided to potential buyers and their independent advisors.
In checking the below box for this agreement, you also agree to have no contact whatsoever with the vendor. All inspections are to be arranged through Sydney Childcare Sales at a time that suits all parties.